Rainbow Snippets August 27-28

Happy Sunday!

Here’s a snippet from “Dion’s Redemption,” published by Less Than Three Press. Dion is reminiscing about his first kiss with Nolan. Enjoy. 🙂

But this tasting… Nolan’s lips had been soft and supple. He’d taken his time, cradling my head in his huge hands and angling for the perfect melding. I’d gasped at the touch of his tongue to mine, my eyelids falling closed as my body melted against his. The urge to wrap my leg around his ankle and hump him like a dog had crossed my mind, and then it was like cold water washed over me.

I’d pushed him back, my fingers gripping briefly in the material covering his broad, solid chest before falling away. The tingle running down my spine was something new, too. I’d covered my mouth with a trembling hand, confused at the sensations that flowed through me.


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