Monthly Archives: July 2016

Rainbow Snippets July 30-31

Happy Sunday!

Here’s a snippet from, “Truck Me How I Like It.” Enjoy. 🙂

“You waited,” he said as he sat beside me again. The bartender gave him a Bud this time.

“You can drink now?” I asked, watching him guzzle it down in a few swallows.

“Yeah, but not too many. I still have to drive home tonight, but I need to unwind a bit.” Putting himself in my personal space, Paul continued, “You stayed, Derrick. Tell me why.” The finger that ran up my inseam was distracting.

“You intrigue me,” I said, opening my legs a little so he could have access to my dick, if he wanted it. I was his for the taking.



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Rainbow Snippets July 23-24

Happy Sunday!

Here’s a snippet from, “Truck Me All Night Long.” Enjoy. 🙂

“Fine, I accept your apology.”

“Thanks. But what do I do now? The man I love cheated on me with another guy, someone way younger than me. That hurts.”

This would take tact and careful handling. “Adrian, don’t take this the wrong way, but, you’re a condescending, know-it-all son of a bitch, most days.” See? I was tactful, kinda.

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Rainbow Snippets July 16-17

Happy Sunday!

Here’s a snippet from, “Hot Dogs and Kisses.” Enjoy. 🙂


A few minutes later, I felt the mood shift a little in the bar and turned to see what was up. I almost dropped my beer when I saw Abel walking through the crowd, men drooling a little as he squeezed by, though they surely didn’t make it easy.

Ricky leaned in to whisper in my ear, “You sure he’s innocent? He looks like sex on a stick, and he knows it.”

I had to agree.

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Rainbow Snippets July 9-10

Happy Sunday!

Here’s a snippet from, “The Beat of His Drum,” part of the “Wedding Bell Blues” series. Enjoy. 🙂


“Dorian, Come on!” he yelled. “I’m a tool, okay? I know that. Just talk to me. Please?”

I didn’t respond, but leaned against the door, my forehead resting on the hard surface as I tried to quell the tears of frustration I knew would fall if I let them.

“Go away,” I whispered.

He pounded the door for a while, and I was sure the neighbors were wondering what the hell was going on. After ten minutes of silence on my part, he gave up, but not before slipping a business card under the door. I waited a little bit longer before I picked it up.

The card had his name, email address, and phone number. “Call me,” he’d written on the back.

No way in hell.

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