Rainbow Snippets – August 25 to 26

Welcome back to Rainbow Snippets. 😀 😀

Continuing with “The Hippie Whisperer“, Carl and Ben are having a beer after dinner. Longer for context.


I (Carl) said, “Not to be forward, though our exchanges up to this point have been just that. How old are you?”

“I’ll be thirty-seven on the third of July,” Ben replied.

Wow, I definitely saw him as much younger than that. “Well, you don’t look it,” I grudgingly admitted.

“Thanks, I think. You’re about forty-nine, right?”

“Forty-seven.” We were doing so well.


“It’s been a difficult twenty-four hours.”

“Look, I know I can be a bit much to take all at once, with the clothes and plain-speaking. I tend to plough ahead, no matter the consequences. I won’t apologize for that, because it’s who I am, like it or not. But I have a question for you. Tell me the truth.” His eyes bored into me. “How long has it been since you did something just for you?”



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12 thoughts on “Rainbow Snippets – August 25 to 26

    1. lifebyjo Post author

      Thank you! Yes, I enjoyed writing these characters, working out their interactions. They led the way…I simply followed. 🙂


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