Rainbow Snippets April 8 – 9

It’s the weekend! My little house survived the bad storms that roared through Atlanta this week, and I am thankful.

Here’s a snippet from “Crumbs Together,” re-released today by JMS Books. A scene between René and Serge (in first person).

René leaned across the table and took my hand in his. “Are you happy?”

I smiled. “Much happier than I was in my previous job. I’m doing something I enjoy, and while it might not be glamorous, and I may be covered in dust and paint most of every day, I can live with that. I realized I don’t need recognition. I just need to feel as if I’m making a contribution, helping someone find their joy by giving them their dream house or a new deck or whatever. I have simple needs, you see.”

“Can I tell you how sexy that sounds to me?”

“You just did.”

“Can I show you?”

“Be my guest.”


Read more snippets on FB:


28 thoughts on “Rainbow Snippets April 8 – 9

  1. Cheryl Headford

    I love it when someone finds joy in what they do. Something that might seem menial to some is so much more rewarding than the grind the scoffers are caught up in. This was such a lovely snippet and the dialogue said it all.


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